Results and ranking
For each race and gender. individual times will be posted on Sportstats once the races are finished.
Find them here :
Foulée des Parcs is an accredited race, with an official time on Sportstats for each registered runner. It offers a great challenge to the athletes, to have fun and put time in their personal history.
All children aged 12 and under will receive a medal for participation. Participants are classified by age according to their age on race day.
For all races – the 1 km, regular 2 km, 5 km, 10 km and Family-and-Friends-Challenge – , three medals (Gold, Silver and Bronze) will be awarded by gender categories (the 2 km stroller race will not be divided by gender).
There will be three first places at the Family-and-Friends-Challenge: the fastest team, the team with the largest age difference between the participants (between the youngest and the oldest) and the team with a “touch of madness”. Medal presentations will take place at 9:35 am (10 km) and at the end of the Family-and-Friends-Challenge, and at around noon for the other races ( 5km, 2 km, 2k m stroller, 1 km, Family-and-Friends-Challenge).